relationship of mothers’ psychological status with development of kindergarten children


firoozeh sajedi 1. pediatric neurorehabilitation research center, university of social welfare and rehabilitation sciences, tehran, iran

mahbobeh ahmadi doulabi 2. phd candidate of pediatric neurorehabilitation research center, university of social welfare and rehabilitation sciences,tehran, iran

roshanak vameghi 1. pediatric neurorehabilitation research center, university of social welfare and rehabilitation sciences, tehran, iran

mohammad ali mazaheri 3. psychology department, shahid beheshti university, tehran, iran


how to cite this article: firoozeh sajedi f, ahmadi doulabi m, vameghi r, mazaheri ma, akbarzadeh baghban ar. relationship of mothers’ psychological status with development of kindergarten children. iran j child neurol. summer 2016; 10(3):61-72.   abstract objective given the importance of children’s development and the role of psychological status of mothers in this regard, this study investigated the relationship of mothers’ psychological status (stress, anxiety and depression) with the development of children aged 36-60 months. materials & methods this descriptive study was performed on 1036 mothers and their children, aged 36 to 60 months, in different kindergartens in tehran city, iran, in 2014-2015. participants were selected through multi-stage random sampling. the following instruments were used in this study: a demographic and obstetric specification questionnaire, children specification questionnaire, the beck depression inventory, spiel berger test, perceived stress questionnaire and the ages and stages questionnaire to determine the status of the children’s development. data were analyzed using spss20 software, mann-whitney; independent t-test and logistic-regression model were used. results the prevalence of developmental delay in children aged 36-60 months was 16.2%. the independent t-test showed a relationship between maternal stress and developmental delay in children. the mann-whitney test revealed a significant relation between mothers’ depression level and developmental delay in their children. there was a significant relation between trait anxiety and developmental delay in children. moreover, a significant relation was found between maternal stress and developmental delay in fine motor skills. the logistic regression model showed a significant relationship of child gender, economic and social states with developmental delay. conclusion this study showed mothers’ psychological status probably is an effective factor in developmental delay. the assessment of mothers’ psychological status is suggested for early interventions.   references irwin lg, siddiqi a, hertzman c. early child development: a powerful equalizer. final report to the who commission on social determinants of health, geneva. 2007. guralnick mj. early intervention for children with intellectual disabilities: current knowledge and future prospects. j appl res intellect disabil 2005;18(4):313-24. marmot m, friel s, bell r, houweling ta, taylor s. commission on social determinants of health. closing the gap in a generation: health equity through action on the social determinants of health. lance 2008 nov 14;372(9650):1661-1669. boyle ca, boulet s, schieve l, cohen ra, blumberg sj, yeargin-allsopp m, visser s, kogan md. trends in the prevalence of developmental disabilities in us children, 1997–2008. pediatrics 2011; 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iranian journal of child neurology

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